The most disappointing aspect of Deadfall is its conventionality. For a thriller, it's light on surprises. After a thunderbolt of an opening sequence, the storyline unfolds in a predictable manner and the ending, despite providing a sense of closur...
Deep RisingHere's something to chew on: what's the favorite food of big, cheesy-looking special effects monsters like the one lurking in the bowels of a luxury liner in Deep Rising? The obvious answer to this question is cardboard, because that's the depth ...
Devil's Own, TheThe advance word on The Devil's Own was, to put it mildly, not good. About a month ago, Brad Pitt went public with some extremely damaging statements about how, if he hadn't possessed an iron-clad contract, he would have bailed out on the prod...
Little Bit of Heaven, AOne of my fears when watching movies about characters coping with cancer is that they will turn into Lifetime disease-of-the-week melodramas: shallow, plot-by-numbers chronologies of the disease's progression that become either manipulative tear-je...
Miss Congeniality 2I can understand a sequel to Star Wars. Or Superman. Or The Matrix. Or even Before Sunrise. But Miss Congeniality? Are Hollywood's executives so greedy and creatively bankrupt that they will take any property that made a tidy profit and churn o...
Mulholland FallsFollowing several release delays, Mulholland Falls has finally reached theaters. Usually, when a distributor keeps putting off a film's opening, it's a sign that there's something wrong with the production, and, about halfway through Mulholland Fa...
Phantom, TheIt's probably unfair to characterize The Phantom as a Batman-wannabe, since Lee Falk's comic book creation predated the Caped Crusader. Nevertheless, as far as motion picture adaptations are concerned, Michael Keaton first stepped into his suit se...